Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How do I analyse financial statements and know when to invest?

Does anyone know of any good books on how to analyse financial statements? Also, how do I know when to invest?|||This is a great book on how to really read financial statement:

Financial Statement Analysis: A Practitioner's Guide


I have it in my financial book collection, hopes it can do good for you too!|||Analyzing financial statements is a skilled task, so you need knowledge from people who know how to do it. There is a website called www.finysis.net which produces some of the best books I have seen on analyzing industrial, manufacturing, retail, trading and insurance companies. Their Financial Analytical Tools also help you to choose when to invest in a company's shares. I made a lot of money by investing in Rio Tinto using their "Corporate Analysis" books and Tool. Try out their website at www.finysis.net.|||Invest in what? Stocks, bonds, real estate, ball bearings? Investing is not something you are going to learn on Yahoo.|||All you really need to know is sales and earnings growth.

As to when - learn technical analysis. Just do a search on Amazon - there are several good books on the subject that come up at the top.

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