Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What is the general financial cost of a christian missionary program?

I need to know the financial cost of a missionary program. all aspects of it. out of pocket, utilities, and what goes into the community. No rants or unrelated please, this is my fourth time posting.|||The air fair out there and back, and their salary whilst they are out there. Typically they will go to work in a school, a hospital, or a children's home. In other words, the facilities they need will already be in place. The days are passed when they would actually need to build the schools or hospitals.|||I don't know about overall, but for me to go on my missionary trip it was about 1,200, give or take, but I was staying there quite a bit. A lot of our medical resources and building supplies were donated, though.|||There are NO set costs!

These are all funded by the orginizations that are asociated with the individual denomination!

MY church helps fund around 30 missionaries around the globe.|||Contact some missions and ask them. If you have to keep posting here, it is because no one here knows.|||Too much.

Join the Peace Corp or something useful.


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