Tuesday, September 27, 2011

What do you consider the key skills a financial manager have ?

Hi my friends. I am having trouble Please Help me..

What do you consider the key skills a financial manager have ?

What do you considers the role that a financial manager in today's economy considering the turnmoil ?|||Someone who is highly organized and stays on top of things. Also being resourceful is a big key especially right now, they should always be looking at things they can change to save money. They must be forward thinking--someone who can see future problems and figure out ways to resolve them before they get too nasty. Good luck!|||A Level Head!!!

Honesty, Integrity, etc.

Someone who really cares about their client success

High standard of stewardship

If you are looking for one, consider this:

- if you find one that is based on commission...is this a commission of how much they charge you - so the more they have to meet with you and jack you around the better for them?

- service fee-based? if so, they make more money by doing more things for you and dragging things on.

- do they get kick-backs (revenue) from provider product companies?

What you want is someone who only gets paid based on an asset management fee. If this is the case, then they should be concerned with your best interests only.

A. Taylor

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